Why the title, "Electron Blue?"

I used to drive a 2001 Honda CRV wagon. This car was offered in a brilliant blue which the Honda marketing people called "Electron Blue." With that name and my fondness for elementary particles, I naturally chose an Electron Blue car, and named the vehicle the "Electron." Thus, according to the Uncertainty Principle, you could not tell how fast my car was going and where it was at the same time. Also, when this car turned a corner, it emitted photons (synchrotron radiation) in this case, in the form of turn signals (though technically, they would have been going in the wrong direction, but never mind). The juxtaposition of Electron from physics, and Blue from art, also fit my theme. This color of blue may perhaps have been about 440 to 450 nanometers. In artist's pigments, it is ultramarine blue. This sounds like a kind of super-warrior but in reality the name comes from the French outremer or "beyond the sea." The pigment, before French chemists synthesized it in the nineteenth century, came from ground-up lapis lazuli, a bright blue stone mined in Central Asia. The stones were shipped to the West through the Silk Road and across the sea to Europe, hence the name.

I now drive a brilliant orange Honda Element. Just look at it long enough, and the afterimage in your eyes will be Electron Blue.

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